SWEAR Logo - Digital Video Authenticity

Protecting the Truth, Pixel by Pixel.

Discover the Future of Digital Video Authenticity

Undetectable video deepfakes are coming and the consequences will be dire.


We are on a mission to protect the authenticity of all digital content.

Proof of Authenticity

Authenticate Seamlessly.
Trust Implicitly.

The Challenge

The rise of sophisticated video editing and AI deepfake tools are blurring the lines between fact and fiction, undermining public trust in digital content.

Our Commitment

We deliver trusted video authentication that provides undeniable proof that what you see is genuine, upholding the critical role of video as a credible source of truth.

Integrity in Every Frame.
Clarity for Every Viewer.

In a world increasingly shaped by digital content, reality is blurred by forgeries. Our innovative technology ensures every pixel, sound, and frame remains unchanged, protecting the truth in a sea of misinformation. SWEAR is your record of reality.

Real-Time Protection

Safeguarding content at the lens as it’s created.

Cryptographic dna

Unique, unbreakable watermarks for all types of media.

Distributed Ledger

 Immutable blockchain record-keeping for every frame of video.

Real-Time Protection

Safeguarding content at the lens as it’s created.

Cryptographic dna

Unique, unbreakable watermarks for all types of media.

Distributed Ledger

 Immutable blockchain record-keeping for every frame of video.

How SWEAR Works


Videos recorded using SWEAR-enabled devices leverage our advanced video authenticity technology in real time to capture nearly 100 unique attributes and write them into an invisible, unchangeable watermark layer.


Once the video has been recorded and permanently watermarked, it is hashed and written to a distributed blockchain, offering an irrefutable record of its origin.


During playback, the SWEAR systems validates the video’s digital DNA watermark against its distributed blockchain record. Any mismatch, down to a single pixel within a single frame, is detected and immediately flagged.


Every frame matters. Our technology protects content in real time at the point of creation, ensuring that each moment captured is as genuine as it is intended to be. As the distance from the lens increases, so does the potential for manipulation.
Swear creates unique DNA for every frame of every video, an unchangeable watermark that distinguishes it from any other piece of media. This attribution data is the hallmark of verified content, offering creators and viewers proof of authenticity.
The core of Swear’s technology lies in its unchangeable Swear DNA – a sequence that is as unique to the video as DNA is to an individual. This data ensures that any alteration, down to a single pixel within a single frame, is detected, preserving the original content's integrity.
In the fight against digital manipulation, our technology prevents unauthorized alterations. It's not just about detecting changes; it's about ensuring they can't occur unnoticed.
Authentic origins are paramount. Swear verifies the source of each video, authenticating where it came from and providing clear provenance. This verification process reassures that the media has not been compromised from its inception.
Endurance is the cornerstone of trust. With Swear, the integrity of digital content is preserved for its entire lifecycle. As the content travels through the digital space, our technology ensures its proof of authenticity remains intact, providing a lasting assurance of its veracity.

Video Authenticity
at Every Lens.

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SWEAR’s technology is restoring trust across industries where video authenticity is crucial. The integrity of what we watch is essential for informed decision-making and functional societies.

The ability to confirm the authenticity of video content is vital for preserving trust and integrity in our shared digital narratives.